How To Install Door Seal Strip

Installing the door seal strip is simple if you follow the steps below. Before getting started, you should figure out what you are doing and why you should do this. If you learn about the basics of the rubber sealing installation, it will make you an expert in the field in a breeze.

On the other hand, choosing the best door seal strip is also essential to ensure a better, long-lasting effect. Besides, choosing best quality door seal strip is essential to ensure a durable and long-lasting performance. A good quality door seal strip is featured with high resilience, compression resistance and excellent tightness, which provides a longer service life for at least 10 years after installation.

Replacing an old door seal strip doesn’t require any special tools. As we mentioned above, the installation is quite simple and quick. Here are the tools commonly used: screwdriver, tape measure, foam tape, weatherstripping or door seal strip, scissors or knife, and door sweep. If you don’t have these tools ready at your hand, go to the nearby market and get them prepared.

Step 1: Preparation

Firstly, you should remove the adhesives and screws that hold the door seal strip from the door jamb. Secondly, cut the door seal strip to the height of the door jamb and determine an installation location to replace the old door seal strip. Thirdly, clean the door jamb and leave it to dry completely with soapy water, and if necessary, use fine-grit sandpaper to remove adhesive residuals.

Step 2: Remove the existing door seal strip and adhesives

If you have installed a door seal strip, remove it first and re-install the new one with a flathead screwdriver to ensure enough space. Then, pull the defective rubber door seal out gently from the door jamb and remove all the rubber particles before installation.
After removing the old door seal strip:
Clean the adhesive materials from the surface of the door jamb by applying high-quality adhesive removers to keep the surface clean and dry.
Use a rag to rub the surface. You should repeatedly scratch the door surface until the adhesives are entirely removed.
Use a paper towel to clean all the adhesive dirt.

Step 3: Tighten the door hinges

After preparing and cleaning, check the door hinges carefully. Before cutting the door seal strip, ensure the door hinges are tight. And you can use a doorknob to lift the door upward. If it goes upward, you should tighten the upper screws of the hinges. If the screws are still loose, you might need to use glued wood plugs and re-drive the screws.
Why should you tighten the door hinges? The answer is that it ensures the door is properly tightened. In addition, it also helps the newly installed door seal strip to prevent the gap evenly and perform its job correctly.

Step 4: Measure the door jamb

You should carefully measure the gap between the door and the jamb and the width of the door jamb. These two measurements allow you to determine the thickness and width of the door seal strip.
Measure the total length of the door seal strip on both sides of the door. Before installation, you should buy enough door sealing strips around the jamb. Moreover, consider purchasing a little extra in case you need it.

Step 5: Choose the appropriate door seal strip

Foam and rubber materials are the most popular on the market. Foam and rubber materials are the most popular on the market. But they also have advantages and disadvantages. The rubber insulates better than the foam door rubber seal. The foam door seals are easier to install than rubber door seals. In addition, rubber door seals are comparatively more expensive than foam door seals.

Step 6: Cut the door rubber seal and check it before adding the adhesives

According to the measurement from the fourth step, cut the portion of the weather stripping door strip. After cutting, check the size by putting the cut piece on the door jamb before adding the adhesives. If the cut portion of the seal is a bit long, don’t cut. You can adjust it after installation. But don’t cut a shorter piece, as it will not fit properly and is also unprofessional.
Typically, you should cut three pieces of door seal strips: two for both sides of the door and one for the top side.

Step 7: Add an ideal adhesive for the chosen door seal strip

Some of the door seal strip installations don’t require adding adhesives. On the other hand, some require adding sealing adhesives. If you add seal adhesives, you should consider the best quality for your door, or you might find the door sealing strip detached from the frame after a few years. Therefore, a high-quality adhesive is necessary. However, some door sealing strips have attached adhesives, making the installation more manageable.

Step 8: Complete the installation

If the door seal strip features an adhesive back, all you need to do is peel it off and press it on the place around the corner of the door jamb. At this stage, ensure the door seal strips are correctly attached to the surface of the door jamp.
It is crucial to ensure no gaps between the strip and frame. Press the seal one last time to ensure the seal strip is firmly connected to the metal frame.

Step 9: Install a door sweep

Well, you have completed sealing the door’s top and two sides. Yet, the bottom side is open to the outside environment. In this case, we suggest installing a door sweep to seal the gap between the door and the floor. Some door sweep types are available in the market: door draft stoppers, self-adhesive door draft stoppers, double-layer self-adhesive sweep, brush door sweep, etc.
Installing a door sweep is much easier than door seal strip installation. All you need to do is cut a specific portion of the door sweep and attach it to the bottom side of the door.

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